Paint for Charity at Aegis Living
December' 2022
HAPPY Holidays
Last community outreach of the year!
Free painting workshop for the seniors at Aegis Living

North America Fashion Week
December' 2022
Youth4Us volunteered at North America Fashion Week to help put together a National Art Conest - Sheroes.

Fundraising event for Youth4Us
November' 2022
The first ever fundraising event for Youth4Us was organized at the Color of Cause Fun Fair. With the money raised, Youth4Us will be able to plan future events for the children in our neighborhood and encourage community giving.
Shree Saini interacted with the Youth4Us team, and you're right—we had the opportunity to meet Miss World America, who is stunning on the inside and out. We all hold Shree Saini up as an example. She is an inspiration to a lot of people and has influenced a lot of us in various ways.
Thanks to our kids' volunteers: Olivia Henaire, Abby Gray, Viaan Gupta, and Varalika Gupta, who handled the Youth4Us booth while I was busy emceeing the whole event. Can you believe it?
Yes, you read it right. At the age of 12, I was emceeing the whole event.

Unity Project- Project Sandwich
October' 2022
Unity Project- doing something different "out of our comfort zone" that helps strengthen the team effort.
10 awesome kids' volunteers and together we made 500+sandwiches for the homeless!
It took 3hrs to make 500+ sandwiches. Usually, it takes 2-3 hr. per person to make 100 sandwiches. This was only possible when we (kids) divide and conquer. When we divide and conquer, difficult problem can be solved easily.
What we did is we breakdown the objective into sub-task that can be done parallelly ensuring multiprocessing by allocating the task among ourselves based on the interests … some choose to help providing supplies when any kids needs anything, some choose to spread peanut butter , some choose to spread jelly , some choose to pack the sandwiches into Ziploc and some choose to be an accountant - to keep track of sandwich count most hectic task which needs lot of patience and our 6 year old volunteers happily voted for it and that also helped them in improving their math skills. It’s a chain of operation that helped delivering little over 500 sandwiches in 3hrs and promoting community giving as well among the youth.

The Give Campaign at Microsoft
October' 2022
The Art Connection: One more successful Community outreach project completed in partnership with Zoya's Rainbow Touch at Microsoft for the kids and their families to promote community giving and to raise funds for Expressions Arts nonprofit organization.
Kid and their families enjoyed a fun family time and painted wooden craft pieces and pouches to donate to support sheltered women and kids to decorate their apartments, all while indulging themselves, bringing their creativity to the best, helping to de-stress and making fun art.
Impact: 100 volunteers participated, and we were able to raise $3500 which is equivalent to 140 volunteer hours that were matched by Microsoft for Expressions Arts.
Really appreciate all the help and support from the volunteers who helped us make the event a great success “Together we care, Together we grow”

Musical Give Back at Aegis Living
September' 2022
Youth4Us Musical Give Back Community Outreach has come to an end, and we are grateful for all our young volunteers/artist's support.
Our musical giveback was a successful effort of unity, harmony and sympathy, with coming together to reach the goal of helping others and provide joy of music in lives of others. Thank you all.
We ALL can help; we all can be part of making our present being a reason to have a future for ourselves.
Please continue to find ways to help!
Thanks to our amazing young artist who felt they could help too.
50 minutes of performance summarized in 5minute video for a quick glance!

Paint for Charity at Compass Housing Alliance
August' 2022
Got an opportunity to volunteer and share my Bob Ross learning experience with Veterans at Compass Housing Alliance for Expressions Arts.
Thank you SweetySaradha for her trust, confidence, support and driving such an incredible initiative.

Children's Business Fair
July' 2022
Youth4Us organized the second children’s business fair. Youth4us initiative
This year we got an overwhelming response from young entrepreneurs, volunteers, and sponsors.
50+ Kid businesses, 80+ young entrepreneurs, 26 volunteers & 8 sponsors took part in 2nd Redmond Children’s Business fair.
It was a great experience for the young kids, their team, and parents. They were able to create their products and open to the customer in a one-day marketplace. There was so much confidence, creativity, and enthusiasm in the kids. We had so much fun, and it was a valuable lesson for all the people involved.
The only thing I will say is -” We will only grow from this experience".
Thank you to The Mayor of Redmond Angela Birney for gracing the event with her surprise visit, meeting and encouraging the young entrepreneurs at the fair.
Thank you to our sponsors, without our generous sponsors, we would not have been able to pull this event off. List of sponsors:
1. Quadrant Resources,
2. WATA,
3. Navita Somani Real Estate Broker,
4. Sweety Saradha Arts,
5. AOPS Bellevue Academy,
6. Steppingstones kids Academy,
7. Landmark Roofing,
8. The Starup Squad.
The feedback received from parents was “super positive”.
I thank each person involved in this amazing journey and continue to work together going forward.

Paint for Charity at Preschool Workshop
June' 2022
As many of you were ready to enjoy summer, Anusha and I (Gaurangi) were getting geared up to see how we can make our summer more productive.
In June and early July, we spent two days with preschoolers at Stepping Stones Kids Academy where we not only helped kids to teach painting, but we also talked about building empathy and giving back to community.
It was so hard for these little kids to understand the product they painted is not for them to take back home but will be donated to various organizations. This is one of the ways they are contributing to the community.
This experience not only helped Preschoolers but was also a great learning for us to manage the preschoolers, taught us patience, taught us how to make kids engaged during the whole workshop by making the project fun for them, how to give compliment to them, how to make sure the kids are listening to us. It's a two-way learning process. Everyone in the workshop learnt. (WIN-WIN situation for everyone:)
Starting early and contributing to the society is a good foundation to make them a good citizen.
Thank you Stepping Stones for Kids for giving us the opportunity and to be a part of this whole experience.

Care Bags
May' 2022
Olivia Henaire, one of our youth4us ambassador has put together the care bags from the money that she made from the business fair.
She wanted to thank the community for their generosity and stopping by her booth at the fair.
She will be donating the care bags to homeless people and families that she passes in the city.
Go Olivia Go

Book Fair at Redmond
April' 2022
Our first Redmond based free Book fair. Thank you to Olivia, Felix, Ishi and Vihaan for your hard work. We love these images of bookworms selecting their 3+ books for summer reading. The kids had hundreds of gently used books to choose from.

Bookaid Drive
Jan, Feb, March' 2022
Collected 800+ books collection varies from infants' books to elementary to middle and high school.